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The Munui School in Korea

The Munui School in Korea is situated in the countryside village of Munui, Chungwon-goon, Choongchung Book-do, a two-hour journey by road from the capital city of Seoul. The school has 180 students ages 5 through 12. Mr. Kwanho Roh is Head of School and 25 teachers and staff members work there. Students and staff from the Munui School visit Los Angeles each January to participate in our 5th and 6th grade classes, stay with American families, and tour Southern California.

A group from St. James' Los Angeles visited the Munui School in summer 2008 and studied Korean culture and language, and visited Jeju Island and several historical sites. The partnership between the two schools was established in 2006 and we are steadily developing strong ties between the two schools. This is a wonderful opportunity for students on both sides of the Pacific to understand each others' culture and increase their knowledge of the world.