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Service Learning

Our Preschool Students Prepare Vegetables to be Delivered to the Soup Kitchen for Use in Meal Preparation.

Service Learning is at the core of all we do at St. James' and we believe that children are never too young to participate. Our youngest children take part in community service at an age-appropriate level. Our preschool students often visit the neighborhood fire station, using this opportunity to create and distribute cards of gratitude for the important job these fireman do for our larger community. Preschool students also participate in food drives and create gifts for others who are of service or in need of recognition. 

St. James' is at heart, an Episcopalian school and is rooted in these traditions. Recognition of this at the Preschool is age-appropriate and often involves activities around religious holidays. A Christmas Pageant, Easter celebrations and the like all serve as the foundation for a lifelong love of spiritual life.